
föstudagur, 19. september 2014


You hid in the shadows
Ashamed of your name
Afraid of your future
Afraid of your pain
You fled from your passion
You fled from your past
You gave in to things
that you knew wouldn't last

Give me your hunger
Be proud and be tall
Give me your slut
and the belle of the ball
Fuck me together
and fuck with them all
Fuck to the world
and the fear of the fall

We come from the shadows
We come from the dark
We live in the future
We give it our mark

Come with me
Come and be free

laugardagur, 13. september 2014

Wicked mind

Your hallowed grounds
Your hunger games
Your ivy mounds
Your many names
Your wicked mind
both cruel and kind
Your loving lips
Your fingertips

laugardagur, 6. september 2014

New Relationship Energy

Give yourself wings 
and the will to fly 
Dream yourself things 
from the dark stormy sky 
Dare to be loved 
and to love in return 
Fear not the flames 
in your hearts as they burn

föstudagur, 5. september 2014

The lust of trust

A rising need
A river run
A growing greed
A risen sun
Of epic sex
and angry lust
Of waning vex
and total trust

Velvet Glove

A poisoned lake
A bitter pill
A coiling snake
A wanton will
Of eerie minds
that ache for love
Who all receive
your velvet glove

þriðjudagur, 2. september 2014

Sliver Moon

A sleight of hand 
A sliver moon 
A slender strand 
A silver spoon 
Of sliding doors 
that open shut 
Of thorny things 
the final cut